About www.sxyfansleak.com
1. All the girls appearing on www.sxyfansleak.com are strictly verified professional models from Onlyfans or other specialised platforms (Manyvids, Patreon, Mym …)
2. We DO NOT publish any amateur content ! All the content posted has been created and published on the sole purpose of monetization by professionals models from the adult industry.
3. We are accordingly respecting the law and this is why :
- There is zero risk of underage and child pornography on our website. All models have been carefully controlled and approved by competent third parties.
- You WILL NEVER under any circumstance find in this website any names, personal information, social medias ID, or anything related to the models identity.
- There is zero risk of “Revenge Porn” and non consensual content sharing.
On the other hand, we DO NOT :
- Sell anything on this website
- Keep record of any information about our users
- Host any pictured or video directly on this website
Therefore, we will not be held responsible in any case of DMCA pursuit. We do agree to help and ask the hosting providers to remove any files asked, but this is their own responsibility. You can also contact them directly to make a removal request.